That is what the majority of Rocket owners have been doing for fourteen years and it works perfectly or you can keep running out of petrol the petrol gauge on the Roadster also sucks big time , I have a std and a Roadster so I know what I am talking about in fact if I could I would remove the petrol gauge and the gear indicator on my bike never understood why bikes have them in the first place.
That is what the majority of Rocket owners have been doing for fourteen years and it works perfectly or you can keep running out of petrol the petrol gauge on the Roadster also sucks big time , I have a std and a Roadster so I know what I am talking about in fact if I could I would remove the petrol gauge and the gear indicator on my bike never understood why bikes have them in the first place.
I may look dumb, but that's just a disguise. I'm a mastermind in the ways of espionage. I can finger out how to not run out of petroleum-based products after one incident. I also know not to put my hand under the deck of a running lawn mower.
Your not the first or probable not the last to end up getting a fuel filter replaced from a dealership and end up with a fuel gauge that is not working. Float sending unit is about $100.00 dollars. real easy to bend while installing fuel filter as we found out the hard way. This time were going to be a little more careful.
I may look dumb, but that's just a disguise. I'm a mastermind in the ways of espionage. I can finger out how to not run out of petroleum-based products after one incident. I also know not to put my hand under the deck of a running lawn mower.
That is what the majority of Rocket owners have been doing for fourteen years and it works perfectly or you can keep running out of petrol the petrol gauge on the Roadster also sucks big time , I have a std and a Roadster so I know what I am talking about in fact if I could I would remove the petrol gauge and the gear indicator on my bike never understood why bikes have them in the first place.
When I changed the fuel filter on my Roadster I bent the fuel sending unit arm a tad bit.... everything works much better now. I have rode with the miles to empty gauge got down to 43 miles to go and still had gas sloshing around in the tank. So I'm thinking it registers pretty close to dead on now.
Now if you think about it dirt bikes never had gauges... just reserve...