Lovin' My R3T


.060 Over
Dec 22, 2010
Kingsland, GA
I am the excited owner of a new 2010 R3T - picked her up from the showroom on the 11th of December; which coincidently is my wifes birthday - so guess what she got for her birthday??? You guessed it - an R3T and she is absolutely thrilled with it. Anyway we are lovin' the R3T - her name is "Black Beauty". Looking forward to many wonderful ride filled days here in South Georgia and other regions of this fine country.
Welcome from Molino, FL and Afghanistan.

Enjoy the new bike and ride safe.


Back in KAF...back to work.

45 dtg Dubai
46 dtg Home (Thunderbird time and, hopefully, R3T ordering time)
...welcome from Texas...I will be up in ABQ after the first of the year to see some friends and maybe get in some skiing up on Sante Fe or Taos....
What up and welcome to the site from New Jersey, stepnet?!

Have yourself a great holiday season and do enjoy the ride!
Welcome aboard

Congrats...and welcome from Washington State, then Iowa, then Kansas, Missouri, Lousiana and finally Texas (I'm on the hoof)...love my R3T too...so far...3000 flawless miles in just about 30 days...you'll find the only real defect is they tend to go over the speed limit a lot .
Welcome from up the road (I-95) in Virginia.

Show that beauty off and ride up to the Rockets Across America VI gathering in May. Check the thread on the main page.