Loose mirror

Pics inside the mirror housing
3 raised (1-oval and 2 round) sections have like a hot glue holding the mirror in place.

Buy the adapters from www.newr3.com and use any mirror that would fit a harley

This solution seems to me to make the most sense! my bike is a year old and has the loose mirror syndrome. when i pulled it apart to see why tightening the screw had no effect I realised it was a stupid design that was the problem. Inside the joint where the stem goes into the bar mount it's all grunged up with corrosion from moisture and the retarded collet gizmo that is supposed to keep the stem tight is deformed - obviously from the stem being forcibly rotated by someone trying to adjust the mirror or just banging into it in the garage as ya do. Whoever had the bright idea to manufacture such a dumbarse system could maybe be relocated from the design team to cleaning toilets!
What is wrong with the good old threaded hole with a locknut system as seen on a zillion bikes since the year dot? At least the newr3 adaptors will allow me to revert back to the old system, then all i have to do is buy new mirrors....
I have kuryakyn mirrors and they are rock steady at all speeds. Look good too.


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I have kuryakyn mirrors and they are rock steady at all speeds. Look good too.
Same here Heaps better than the crap Triumph ones ... yup my left one did it too well out of Warranty period not mention vibration I thought was something I had to live with .... switched to the Kuryakyn and now have rock solid non vibrating mirrors problem solved