Looking -


Standard Bore
Jun 11, 2018
2018 Scrambler XE
Good Afternoon,
I currently own a Scrambler 1200 XE. Love the bike and use it off road often. However, looking for something better suited for longer distance and for 6'4"/280/36" inseam I focused on the Rocket 3. I requested a test ride for a GT. All they had was the R. The bike was awesome but I was really really cramped. Is the GT that much better for long legged riders or am I out of luck. As much as I adore the Rocket I can't see myself purchasing the "R" version.

I like the look of the Corbin panniers and tidbits?
I had a Russell day long (RDL) on two previous bikes (Trophy and Tiger). Has anyone tried a RDL seat as apposed to the OEM? Does it fit easily?
I have an older RIIIR, so no help there, BUT....I'm thinking heavily on getting a 1200XE to the stable, so would love to hear some +/- of that from you....Sorry for the derail but that happens on this site daily....Squirrel!
The R and GT both per Triumph have adjustable foot positions so you might want to try adjustment at a stealership before you make a final decision.
Welcome from Tucson Arizona Usa
I have an older RIIIR, so no help there, BUT....I'm thinking heavily on getting a 1200XE to the stable, so would love to hear some +/- of that from you....Sorry for the derail but that happens on this site daily....Squirrel!
I'm never getting rid of the Scrambler XE. This bike is so fun to ride. Off road: My buddies and I rode the MABDR last summer and it was awesome is some really technical situations. I'm 270 lbs and I had about 50 -70 lbs extra of camping, tools.... and the bike handled awesome. Yes, I feel like Steve McQueen ever time I ride it. I bought this after I sold my 2015 Trophy and my 06 Tiger 955i. I was apprehensive at first-after a week that went away. I do every thing on this bike: ride to work, popping around town and adventure riding. I plan on taking a trip to South East Michigan from Camp Lejeune later this summer. I'm good for about eight hours in the saddle and finding a camp site. I use the Alaskan Sheep Skin for comfort. But, like i said above, 'd like to find a nice highway bike as a want not a need.

Only con(s) I have are: the small gas tank. This is the first bike I've had with a FOB. I'm not sure I like the FOB thing-but I guess all bikes have that now. Initially, I didn't like that the bike didn't dome with an easy fix for adding panniers. I figured it out and used metal mule for my racks and mosco bags. I don't like the idea of the gas tank filler hole being in the upper right part of the tank. When it was in the middle it was easier to find a decent tank bag that snapped on and off. And, it didn't some with a center stand-it just makes it easier to do some maintenance things. I think they come with one now?? Hope this helps-I wrote I was starting my day at work)
Hello @Bigcountry and welcome from Virginia.
You can move the controls on either bike to a more forward position. But until Triumph brings the Touring back, you may be out if luck.
Boog, what do you mean about "brining the touring back"? The Trophy? or the touring version of the Rocket? I thought the GT was the touring version.
Hi, I'm in the UK and i had to road test and R, and felt cramped being 6'1", but just sitting on a GT i knew it would be far better and it is.
I had an Evo Road King for 21yrs, so the riding position of the GT is very similar to what I was used to on the Harley.
I bought my GT in 2022, and I'm very impressed, bar far the best bike I've ever owned.
You won't be disappointed if you buy a GT.
Reactions: wjb
You can always get the R and just change the foot controls to the gt ones. I'm 6'3 with boots on and 36 inseam as well. Gt controls all the way forward, comfort seat set and I love it.