Looking at getting an R3


Standard Bore
May 17, 2008
In Australia at the moment Triumph is giving away the base R3 with approx. $3000 plus worth of accessories, pannieres, etc. We are told that they are 07 built, but 08 compliant excess stock from Europe. I'm concerned that they could be coming from the countries in Europe that have limited horsepower restrictions i.e. France, etc. My question is how can I tell if they are, is it simply an ECU reflash that rectifies this?

Also I'm told that the 08 model has had gear selector modifications over previous models to enhance gear box operation. Has anyone heard of this? I would imagine that 08 model bikes would have started manufacture by around September/October 07? Any ideas?

Currently have a V-Rod. Would be interested to hear from anyone who has changed from a V-Rod to the R3.

Any thoughts on the above would be much appreciated.
That is a good question for some of our Aussie brothers. Your dealer should be able to see what tune is installed and change it to a compliant one if it is in fact from France or such where they detune them. I'm sure there are some here have harleys, don't know about a V-Rod but a few have taken them on, successfully I might add. By the way welcome to the place where all your questions will be answered with a little time and patience.
I have not heard of any gearbox upgrades for 08. It wouldn't surprise me though, Triumph has continued to make minor changes between model years. Sounds like the '07 would be worth it. As far as a tune, they can load any tune but part of the dealer set up after uncrating it is loading a tune, so they shouldn't have anything loaded anyway.

Triumph will offer deals like that to clear out last years stock from the warehouse. My dealer in the US has ordered some left overs also from Triumph America.

I think you'll be satisfied changing from a v-rod. I have raced a few. Beat a screaming eagle set up v-rod pretty handily. With simply intake mods, an aftermarket exhaust and Tuneboy to load a custom ECU map you can be around 150 hp/150 ft/lbs of torque at the rear wheel.

Welcome to the site.
Welcome aboard 5d,
no v-rod here ,but I do have my bro-in-laws '03 h-d duece sittin in my shop. No comparison. spring for the rock and enjoy life in the fast lane. Long as you get the black one that is..xhdskip

The Standards are delivered with the often preferred single paint schemes. Black, red, yellow, blue. I wouldn't know the variables for 07, though I believe one Classic dual paint scheme was NE White and Pac. Blue. $3000 of "free" accessories is certainly the right carrot. TuneBoy.au will enable you to up the tune from bango to steel guitar. One of the bike mags referred to the Rocket III as the Wurlitzer of the Bike world. On the face of it they're totally wrong. The Wurlitzer is/was US made. As for V-Rod comparison, there's little plastic to be found on the Rocket. Plastic just doesn't hold up to the "grin" factors.
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Nothing to Worry About

There is a handful of ex-factory tunes for the Rocket. If I unearth the list, I'll post it here. But, to the best of my knowledge, the ONLY tune that limits HP to 100 (actually 106) is the dreaded French tune. The good news is that it only takes 10' to re-map it.

Do the French or German models use any form of restrictor in the intake or exhaust as well as the tune?

I know the Speed Triple uses a restrictor as well as a different tune on the 98 PS bikes. But it is fairly easy to derestrict these models.