Newbie here. Looking at a 2014 left over touring red & black for $14,000.00. Not sure if this is a good price for a Triumph or not. My FLH is about done and I am loosing interest in Harley Davidson at the moment. A friend of mine has a Rocket and he loves it. He has a had a few Harley's and always *****ed about the ones he owned. He is a Kawasaki guy so I dont know why he rides a Harley any ways. Someone let him ride a Triumph and he was hooked. Now I have to listen to him brag about his Rocket. The truth is none of us that ride together can keep up with him and he never has problem with that English Bull Dog of his. He wont let me ride it because he say I ride like Foster Brooks walks. But he let one of the older guys ride it and now he is looking for a Rocket too. Anyway he told me about this forum and I figured I would check it out. Is there some accessories to make it more of a touring bike like a fairing and a touring bag like the Electra Glides have? I am not as interested in making it a hot rod like he is but I do a lot of long distance rides so comfort is a must. Like touring seats and floor boards. Your advice is appreciated. Thanks, Iron Mike.