I,ve just finished the install. I removed the Torx (#25)bolt holding the brake line manifold, this allows for the manifold to be raised about an inch. I made a small bracket to hold the manifold in it's new position, although a cable tie would probably worked ok too. You can also slide the brake lines ahead by 1/2". I removed the master cylinder from the plastic guides on the handlebar. These adjustments gave the required slack in the brake line.
I am liking your method. I wonder if there is a difference with the Canadian to Australian models as the clips on my handlebars dont have provision for the brake line on my bike. Too cold to be in the shed after work (is winter down under) but I am going to have a go at this method at the weekend and report back. I have already stolen 1/2 an inch by sliding the master cylinder further down the handlebars.
Nice evening and got away from work on time, after Jakes idea I decided to look at the problem from the other side of the ABS block.
Lifted the tank and followed the lines back. They curve and go down to the rear of the bike at the rear of the tank. Simple matter to change the angle of the bend, so I took the securing bolt out of the abs block, loosened the frame clip that holds both the lines moved the rubber protecting sleeves then bent the brake lines forward where they change direction to run down the frame, I repositioned the rubber sleeves so that they were still held by the frame clip, then bent the frame clip back while holding the lines forward a bit. All in all I have gained about an inch and I get even more slack if I raise the ABS block so that it sits higher.
I changed the position of one of the other protector sleeves to cover the new area where the line runs close to the frame.
All I need to do now is make up a bracket extender like Jakes and with the free play I picked up by moving the master cylinder further down the bars I will be in business.
Best part is cost me nothing.
Thanks to all who offered advice.
Nice bike Jake.
Glad it is working for you. I've just taken my first ride with the risers and found the bike to be more comfortable. Much less of a stretch at full lock.