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Pete, at my age my kids don’t have squirrels for pets. They have their own kids
BTW, it’s easier to trap squirrel than hunt them. Yea I’m getting lazy

I only harvest squirrel or rabbit in cold weather it cuts down on bacteria. When cleaning always inspect thoroughly, especially check for worms and white spots on liver & spleen to make sure it doesn’t have Tularemia
Since I haven't tried the furry rat you are correct I should try it before I make judgements. Chicken of the trees? I think I would try it if called out and triple dog dared but I wouldn't go looking for it. What kind of wine goes with Squirrel?
MD 20/20...Boones Farm and similar. Nothing but the finest vintages for that meal!
Guinea pigs are a very popular dish in Ecuador.
A long time ago, in a land far, far away, my girlfriend invited me home to meet her family, who were Italian/Australian and had a market garden. After a delicious meal of pasta and meat with which I was not familiar, she asked me to come and check out the garden and animals. There were lots of veggies, a couple of goats, chickens, but no guinea pigs. So she asked Nonna where the guinea pigs were. Nonna replied with her strong accent, "Never you minda!"

They were delicious!
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