Food for thought.
Do squirrels carry Lyme disease?
What is main natural reservoir for Lyme disease?
White footed mice
What eats acorns and are population dependant on their abaundance besides squirrels?
White footed mice
What animals get Lyme disease?
Dogs, horses and sometimes cattle can get Lyme disease.
White-tailed deer, mice, chipmunks,
gray squirrels, opossums and raccoons can also be infected.
What animal is most likely to carry leptospirosis?
Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria.
The animals that commonly develop or spread leptospirosis include:
- Rodents.
- Raccoons.
- Opossums.
- Cattle.
- Swine.
- Dogs.
- Horses.
- Buffaloes.
Now for more happy news
Nothing good, that's for sure.