lithium battery

Well, I have an "Anti-Gravity" lithium battery in two of my Rockets, one of my Harley's, and one in my Kawasaki ZRX1200r. And a truck load of lithium batteries for all my flying machines/drones. No problems at all "HOWEVER" you may want to watch this video. Some VERY interesting facts about lithium and it's future.
Which battery number?
So.....I would need a compatible battery charger for a lithium battery, but I don't need to change anything on the bike that's designed to charge and maintain the regular style batteries? Don't battery chargers and my bikes charging system do the same thing, why is one compatible and the other isn't?
I've been switching everything over to lithium, and buying the made for lithium, tenders. Although I don't see much difference in the chargers. Something to do with the cut off voltage I think. I've had no problems, and they will spin a Rocket over much better than a gel or liquid cell battery. In my opinion.....
You are fortunate to live in a warm climate.
From experience, up here in WA State it easily gets too cold for proper use of lithium batteries in Triumph Rockets.
Well, I ain't been outside for very long, in a few days! High 90's and lot's of humidity. Feels like over 100 !!!
But I wanted to ad, most of the new trickle/maintenance chargers I've bought lately, have a self sensing thing, that determines the type of battery, lead acid, gel, lipo, or lifoe or whatever it is. So they work on anything.
I'm in Keaton Beach, on the big bend, 98,97,97,96 the last 4 days. I never went lithium because I lived outside Buffalo, NY, but now that I'm in Florida I may try one, cold is definitely not a problem
I bought my lithium battery from bike bandit back when they were still open. I got 4 years out of it. Great battery for cold weather startups. Just hit it for a few seconds. then do it a again to wake it up. Fires up every time.
I've had a Shorai 36-L (I think is the designation) in my Touring for years and years. Kept it on a bespoke Shorai charger for literally 2 years when I didn't ride the bike (because reasons). This season I hit the top-up button on the charger, prepped the bike, rolled it out and hit start. Still feels like a new battery. Especially for colder climates where you have to put the bike up for part of the year, lithium is awesome. They don't sulfate up like lead-acid and will last years and years. I might go EarthX today, but certainly have no complaints at all about my Shorai (coupled with their bespoke trickle charger/balancer anyway).