light at the end of the tunnel

Get a Room you two. Yes a guy in Oklahoma city Who has been around the area for the last 40 years or so and works on British bikes is going to tune her via Tune ECU. Gonna cost vice using a power three but Have confidence in his ability.

Let me know how that goes
Good to go. Charging up the battery and figure after i transfer tune from my home computer to wife's lab top and download into bike should be ready. Skipped the stepper motor. Piece of **** anyhow. Sending the new one back to Hermy"s. The man in the tin shed is right again. Argument and talk is not worth it. The stepper motor is a ****ing joke.
The tune that goes on now is one @Neville Lush sent you to run with his cams until you can get it on the dyno...right?
Well folks it has been a long hard weekend. Fired her up and figured out real quick nut to manual idle adjustment on throttles is not a 6 MM or 8MM. $7.00 dollars later and armed with a 7MM got her done. Loaded new tune but still need to get her a dyno. In my best English SHE FUC^ING PURRS. Waiting on some shade to go back and adjust the secondary TPS. This here did the trick on first time starts and fuel gauge working. Kind of figured that. The clutch safety switch was toast. Happy is a understatement. Tickled ****les* Nothing better than doing your own work and having it all come together. That initial hit on the start button Does not lie. You either did a good job or you ****#d up. That kind of satisfaction is priceless. Took her out on the road and do not need a dyno to tell me i got a increase in toque and power in the low and mid range . Rode a good hard wheelie. Got back home and have opened a few beers since then. Life is good. Wife listen to engine and said "Big ****in$ whoop sounds like you got her right again. " Am gone going to a casino with some friends" : "All your going to do is get drunk and brag about your bike". 'Out of here" Ain't no lie. Learned a few things this time around. Hats off to the MAN IN THE TIN SHED your patience and help has been nothing but SUPREMO. Thank you for your guidance and suggestions. One very HAPPY CAMPER.