Lifetime Honda guy just trying to get info on Triumph

I think of my R3T as a comfortable Wing without all the distractions and 3 times the "go".I needed some some slow speed acclimation from the classic to the T. Bat faring is easy and McCruise has an awesome cruise control.
I think of my R3T as a comfortable Wing without all the distractions and 3 times the "go".I needed some some slow speed acclimation from the classic to the T. Bat faring is easy and McCruise has an awesome cruise control.
All this good input and no Response from Chevy327. Too Bad

I’m really sorry guys for my lack of response to everyone. I have a ventilator dependent son who had to go into the hospital for respiratory issues and I have been pre occupied with that for last few weeks. I just now got a chance to view all of the replies.
I’m kinda overwhelmed at the responses but very appreciative at the same time. I am very grateful for each response as I read them several times each. Loved the sl70 reference as many memories came flooding back with the picture (mine was red, brother had blue)!
Again I’m sorry for delay in responding.
I have eliminated Gold Wing from contention. I drove 2018 wing the other day and outside of front fork system I’m too old school I guess, but it’s not for me. Too skimmed down physically and felt too much like a sport bike. If I go that route I’ll keep my valkyrie and add mc cruise (still an option.)
I just want something different I believe now.
I am planning on seeing my first R3 touring tomorrow hopefully with a test ride. It’s a 2013 with 3800 miles. Couple of questions if I may. I prefer the dual instrument setup, not the tank nacelle all in one. What year did they come that way? Also I may need some info on batwing options, and I see mc cruise already has me covered there. Anyway I’m already long winded. I’ll post my reaction after tomorrow about initial reactions to R3 as I’m still up in the air. Again sorry and thanks a bunch. Also I’m I’m southwest Arlington area. I appreciate everybody.
Roadster, classic, tourer and standard have duel gages mounted above the tank.
Only the R3T (rocket lll touring) has the tank mounted gage.

I think what you are looking for is a classic and 2009 was a great year and the last for that model.

2010 the roadster came out with a more sport style riding position.

Hope everything is well with your son!!

Chevy327...what he said ^...note that there is a difference between the “Tourer” and the “Touring”.
@Chevy327 your priorities and commitment to your son will earn you nothing but respect here. Glad you are back.

Touring has many firsts for me when I bought it.

First bike over 1000cc
First bike with floorboards
First bike with heal toe shift
First bike with tank console

I cannot believe how easily I adapted to them all.
If you want a Touring then you are going to adjust to a tank console. They all have it.
There was an earlier tour model that had leather bags with bar mount gauges.
I think the bat wings look great on the R3T, but give the windscreen a chance. The only thing I had to do was add an xscreen to control air flow.

Keep us updated and God bless.

PS my bet is after the OH Sh!t moment the miles of smile will close the deal.
With your seat time, ride whatever bike you dang well want. Ride um all! The biggest chronic problem with Triumph, dealer support is spotty, aftermarket support spotty to non existent. And in the 14 years of owning my Rocket, my biggest disappointment is in Triumph not taking the Rocket platform to world class touring bike status. So, the Rocket is likely faster and just as stable as your Valk. And at the price a bargain compared to new HD or new GW.

If I were buying a two cylinder cruiser, Indian Chief. Guess I like spotty dealership, but love the look of the bike. Touring bike, the new GW. But, I would throw a leg over a BMW. Would I repurchase my 05 Rocket, absolutely! I just wish after 14 years I could trade up to a full dressed Rocket touring bike.