Let's Ride

Like it a lot. How did your interview go? If I loose my road crew, Im sticking with the Valk and the Rocket.

2nd round of interviews today. I'm not super into the position, but ya know; if they throw a bunch of money at me I'd have to consider it.
I'm really being kinda lazy, don't want to move. T and I had a plan and moving now was not part of it.
Keep me posted. If you guys are staying we can go look at the NC in Austin. If it's still there it looks like the more better deal because of all the extras. Plus I can keep the Valk. Just ordered a barndoor to ride it when it is cool. It needs tyres. Installing Exedra Max in the back and Pilot 5 lower profile in the front to match the Rocket set up.
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Like I said before, don't buy something under the impression Theresa and I will be around to do fire/gravel/dirt roads and forest roads.
We are leaving Houston, just haven't determined when exactly.