Let's Ride

I love speed, too, @WyldCFH , my K1200GT is my slow bike, 130 HP and 155 mph my buddies think it's a rocketship, but everything else is faster.
We'll probably leave pretty early, it's about 6 hours round trip and who knows how long we'll spend at Motomummy and possibly stop in at Woods Fun Center. Then add in lunch somewhere and possibly dinner. We won't be back until late afternoon

Cathy found me some chores. Ill have to pass this time. It will be a cool dry morning and toasty afternoon. Have fun.

She is then similar to Christine @Tbirdgirl who has several motors - to include a R3R, a Speed Triple & a new Thruxton!
I reckon these two monster lady riders should get together!
I am trying to get Christine (@Tbirdgirl ) & Ray (aka "Wilson" or @smokit2) to come to Leakey.
Well we did some Texas piney woods ridding. 6 1/2 hrs total for me. Got lost, got wet, did fast, did slow. Saw deer, a family of wild hog, road runner, road kill. Anthony is a much better rider than me They finished the asphalt on the racetrack. Theresa is fast on the Ryker. I had to work to shake her off. Almost four tanks of gas. Learning to do butt-hops to shift my fatass on the seat without molesting the bike. Good training for Leakey.
248 miles for us.

I'm not a better rider, I'm just on better equipment for the intended riding type. I wouldn't have pushed my R3 as hard as I do my BMW or Super Duke.
Rick, @1K9 , you riding this weekend? It's going to be HOT!!! We'll need to make sure we make hydration stops.