Let's Ride

I have recovered.

Still waiting on backordered parts for her Ryker.

I can ride Saturday. Maybe 3090 to 30 to Yankees for a burger
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This was a good ride. We got lost a couple of times. These Google maps ain't worth a chit. Lots of omitted details and ill placed intersections

Digital mapping

Navigation the old fashion way. This is how Dr.D does it and he has never gone lost. I need one of those things quarterbacks wear on the arm with the plays.

Looks like its going to be a low 80s Saturday. Have you gotten you road appetite back yet? Today AM it was like a fall day. 80 and 70% humidity, clear. Sat watching Muller stumble all day, then took a beer siesta. Looking at the lawn, it needs a cut. Looking at the bike, it needs a ride. The rear rubber is almost ready for a change. Gota do that before Leakey.
Digital mapping

Navigation the old fashion way. This is how Dr.D does it and he has never gone lost. I need one of those things quarterbacks wear on the arm with the plays.

I carry a paper map as a back-up and use a dry-erase marker to write turn-by-turn directions, notes or intersections of interest on my mirrors in between gas stops...
I just love mapping trips, it’s a great puzzle exercise. Sometimes I use satellite views to see the roads and intersections a day ahead of time memorizing markers of turns. You all have a great time and remember if you still have gas you ain’t really lost.