Less noise with re-mapping?


Apr 28, 2007
South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
although their are better brains than myself who can comment on retuning the bike, I dont think its possible to reduce the noise level significantly. I think the easiest option is to take the TORs off and put the standard pipes back on.
If I wanted to quieten her down, that's what I'd do,
then hook the computer up and tune it for stock pipes in about a minute,
and it'd be right.
it's still sexy, and you've achieved your goal,
a quieter bike for the inspection, an orgasm, and you're done,
welcome to my world....
The cat itself is a MASSIVE NOISE KILLER.

I'm not familiar with the TORS noise level on teh R3 - I've heard my dealers Thunderbid on TORS - It's above 93 - very close to my old guzzi which is at 98.

I'd be tempted just to put it all back standard for the test - Pretty sure that's what I'll end up having to do here.
Would it be possible to get some slip in noise deadening baffles? pop em in for testing, remove after..might be a pain to do, but nice & easy once made.
If you have an Iphone go to the app store. There are quite a few deciple readers to download for free or 99 cents. I have one and its pretty cool. As I sit here in my house in a quite room it's 45 db. It doesn't take much to go over 93 db. My Rocket at an idle (with TORS, PC and cat bypass 5' from the bike) is at 87 db. This way you know what your db reading is at 3000 rpm before you get tested. Just a thought.