Leg warmers for real men!


That's my name ....built like a truck
Feb 18, 2016
Duffy, Canberra, ACT, AUSTRALIA
2x2010 ABS Roadsters, Sprint ST 1050 ABS, 3x250s
Beat the heat of your Carpenter, CES, Ozrider, or Reband custom headers.
Vikings probably don't need them at all and Carpenter Brute owners need to wear both! .

Horse riding leather gaiters or 'Half chaps' apparently.

Similar Black ones I may have to try too!

I will try the LHS one on my RH leg. I suppose the RHS one would work just as well with zip in middle as the heat is coming from the front. I would only need them in a traffic jam though and that isn't too likely.
Maybe I should just send them to @Dr.D as a consultation fee for his 'afterdark' boot collection!

I figured out you can wear them above or below your jeans and under jeans they do not need zipping up either with the elastic stirrup at bottom. Even Green Hulk like calves can still be covered!

New XLarge
Calf width - 43cm
Ankle width - 31cm

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Check because mine are real leather but I have seen many PU vinyl leather and synthetic fabric versions on eBay too! Any Mr Magoos like @1olbull should check as these days lots of 'Leather' IS ONLY PU vinyl with very different heat and insulation properties to real full grain leather.
Tish and Pish

I bought a set of these for the Distinguished Gentlemans Ride as a costume. Surprisingly, I found I really like them. They keep the lower legs of my pants dry when the streets are wet and I don't have to worry about the cuffs on my pants riding up over my low boots. I do think that when its really hot they will have to go into the bags. The leather is thin, and I'm sure the elastic panel will melt given the chance, but have held up perfectly so far.
I think you meant to say.....Tish and Pish join Snap, Crackle and Pop on their Coming Out parade.

Household Cavalry 'rent boys' history

Soldier Heroes and Rent Boys: Homosex, Masculinities, and Britishness in the Brigade of Guards, circa 1900–1960
Matt Houlbrook
Journal of British Studies
Vol. 42, No. 3 (July 2003), pp. 351-388 (38 pages)
Published By: Cambridge University Press
DOI: 10.1086/374294