LED vs Normal lighting.


Mad Scientist
Aug 1, 2010
On the verge of insanity
1979 Guzzi V1000G5 - 2018 KTM 790 Duke
Yes I know not everybody likes it over on t'other site - but that's where the pictures are

So sneak in when nobody's looking or "Harden the F*ck Up" - if you're interested.
Mine is in the process of getting two Speaker 8630 as I type this. Tried all the tricks to get them brighter but still not good enough
Moris did you get your LED lights instaled

What do you think
barbagris: A picture is worth a thousand words. All: I am equally pleased with my Speaker LED's and I really like the "white" daylight look of the path. Pricy, but worth it
I think. They are a bit heavy and I have not addressed the additional vibration but it should not be too hard to dampen. Being "lifetime" is certainly a big plus.
Mine should be here any day now and so are the extension rims, thanks again for the link to the Chris and also a big Thanks to Ponters for making me aware they exisisted
I was talking on the phone to a new member in Honk Kong today. He asked me about LED lights. I didn't know they have come this far in the last few years. His question is would they be a better alternative for an 05 over Eastern Beaver for the purpose of avoiding the ignition meltdown problem. What say you ?
The EB is MUCH MUCH CHEAPER if ignition contact relief is the main aim.

Personally I'd do both. Despite drawing less amps and on paper emitting LESS light: all the light emitted is in the visible spectrum and goes where it should. Many of the German car mfrs are now fitting LED lighting at the factory instead of HID. I have a set from an Audi A7 that I've been given FOC to play with. 4 LEDS - impressive lens technology. Has a fan built in to stop overheating. Silly expensive though.
Mine should be here any day now and so are the extension rims, thanks again for the link to the Chris and also a big Thanks to Ponters for making me aware they exisisted
When you get to marking & cutting those extension rings drop me an e-mail. Unless you're going to do as Ponters and Jim and move the mounting brackets outside the shell.