LED taillight project. Can the taillight be opened?

don't know what you are referring to, I can click on it and it goes directly to the site!

Not here - it goes to the site of a general light store.
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Not here - it goes to the site of a general light store.
This is what I 'm getting:
LED Lights, Bulbs & LED Lighting Accessories | superbrightleds.com

Not here - it goes to the site of a general light store.
This is what I 'm getting:
LED Lights, Bulbs & LED Lighting Accessories | superbrightleds.com
I've received two orders of LED's already from super brights; You can scroll through the list of bulbs and lights that apply to your needs, the site can't read your mind and show a specific product,
you need to search out what you want!
Not here - it goes to the site of a general light store. This is what I 'm getting:
Try this ol'chap. 1157, 1157 (BAY15D), … LED Brake Light, Turn Light and Tail Light Bulbs | LED Car Light Bulbs | Page 2 | Super Bright LEDs:

I have tried variants like most of those - You need RED ones and I'll put money on the lumens values quoted being raw and for white emitters ONLY. Most white emmiters have a VERY low red component - ie white ones may even shine LESS bright.

EEC docs state 1W led as being approximated to "tail light" replacement and 3W being "Brake Light" replacement. A mass of legal after market replacements follow the values.
ime woefully inadequate unless it is a VERY small lens area and using very directional LED projection. Neither applicable to the R3 if you use a plug&play "bulb".
I run a LED bulb but more as a "less likely to blow one day when on a long trip, at night and in the rain" thing than more light (for now!).

I think the principal problems lie with the OEM lens and reflector. Both are heavily faceted. Much of it is (imo) to redress the "form over function" aesthetics.
Ideally I would like the LEDS facing rearward - but this maybe beyond phase1 of the conversion tests - it's a heat management thing.
I have seen no tail/brake lights that are near as bright as those that you turned me on to and that I put on my bike a while back.
The only others I have seen that I believe are acceptable are the Bright-Ass lights made for Harley-Davidson.
I have seen no tail/brake lights that are near as bright as those that you turned me on to and that I put on my bike a while back.
The only others I have seen that I believe are acceptable are the Bright-Ass lights made for Harley-Davidson.

What are you running now Steve ? Always looking for more visibility.
I don't know how to create a link.
Look up the thread entitled below:
New Rear Array . . . Finally!
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Always looking for more visibility.
Visibility has less to do with quantity than location. Got a Top Case - that's a great "in your face" position. Like most cars 3rd brake light.
And get some "original 3M" reflective tape. I say the original as they tend to me more "colour-fast" .
I am not saying go OTT with it - but a little helps.
I am also a big fan of slightly side facing reflectors and markers.

I also use Black Diamond tape on the front.
This guy is good