LED taillight project. Can the taillight be opened?

I thought about that. However that Bulb is the one that supposed to give the brightest light. The smaller LEDs supposedly do not give out the same level of light. I'll give it a shot once it comes in the mail today if it's not significantly brighter I'm not gonna bother.
... However that Bulb is the one that supposed to give the brightest light. The smaller LEDs supposedly do not give out the same level of light. ...

I think you are simply referencing one of those 'old-school' discrete LED arrays vs another of similar design with fewer number of same LEDs
So yes, more of the same - which means physically bigger of course - means more light out than a comparable smaller one.

However today's technology has high power 'chip' LEDs that put out HUGE light compared to those devices, which are pretty much archaic these days.
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Well I guess the proof will have to be in the pudding.

I should have the bulb by the end of the day. I'm going to do an honest comparison of the two if it's significantly brighter than stock then in it goes.

The reason I picked this one is because it is the highest rated bulb I could find. Some of the other smaller chip style bulbs like you suggest reviews stated we're not that impressive or not much brighter in stock.

I searched around here quite a bit looking for somebody who has done an LED taillight. And other than replacing the entire taillight I found nothing. I want to keep stock tail light as I like how it looks.

If you were anybody else has used one of the small bulbs with any degree of success please share what it is and where you got it.
Ken, do you have any suggestions for this light?
Well here we are. I finished the install total time was about two hours but I took my time.

Above picture it is the stock incandesce and bulb. Above is just running late and blow the course is the brake light engaged. Not a bad till late but by today's standards I think it could be a lot brighter.

The install was not exactly plug-and-play I had to cut into the wiring harness to link the LED bar below the license plate. It required the removal of the saddle bag and some double jointed hand maneuvers to get in there at the wiring harness.

In an effort not to crowd this post with pictures all out of order I'll post the next thread segment with the after picture and video of the lens.

See above the after video. I think the results speak for themselves. It was a good bit of work and I stated in the video not for the faint of heart however I'm very pleased with the results.

The running light is 30% to maybe 50% brighter. However the brake light there is no comparison. It's actually hard to look into directly when you're close to it. Additionally going to hundred percent LED with my break and running light has allowed me to use the more aggressive hyper flashing selections with the flash modulator. Stay tune for flash modulator video
Ken, do you have any suggestions for this light?

See this video for a good comparison - cage, but good enough for comparing

Regarding above ignore the 'plasma' reference - just a BS marketing buzz word.

Here are couple of examples on Ebay of these type of bulbs - you can probably find similar in OZ Tony, or even directly from China
(disclaimer - no personal experience of these exact ones)

LED Bulb Kit 1157 Red LED Universal Rough Trail RT28071 | eBay

JDM ASTAR 2x50W CREE 1157 BAY15D Super Red Turn Signal Brake Tail LED Light Bulb | eBay

2X CREE 100W Super Pure Red 1157 7528 BAY15D Brake Tail Stop LED Lights Bulb | eBay
OK. Here's the modulator installed and flashing there's 10 different patterns to pick from sorry I did show them all.

This was an easy thing to install just find a brake light power line underneath the seat and intercept it and then tuck the modulator away where it is next to the battery.

I still have some green LED strips on the way that I'm going to mount underneath the bike. Those are gonna be on a toggle switch because I'm not sure if I want to look like a Mardi Gras float all the time. I may just turn them on in heavy traffic to give myself more Road presence and visibility. Or I may really like the look and leave them in 24 seven.

Stay tuned for more pictures and video when I get it done

It looks like you did a nice job getting everything to work. Nice and bright

I did a forum post on this a while back and for me it was a much simpler fix on my R3T to add an extra LED fixture with the same flashing features. It worked out well and I can see it flashing at least a 200 feet behind me in my mirrors at night when I apply my brakes. I'm not sure what type of LEDs the company uses, but they are really bright. You can't have to much light behind you. By the way, the running light does not flicker as it appears in the video. It was strictly a video thing causing that appearance.

HI Jamie not sure if this is any help to you now as maybe you've already cut the tailight? but I replaced my tail light some time ago with a combined LED brake tailight, it fitted straight in and was brighter than the filament type bulb by a whole heap. Got it from a local shop that stocked only LED lights was a little expensive but certainly worth it. Only reason I did it was LEDs are supposedly more reliable and I really like the taillight and brake light to work especially at night when clowns can run into you.

Going to fit one to my old 79 Bonneville next, that will be the true test of its ability to withstand vibration....