LED Running and signals

I used L E D replacement 1157 bulbs in tail lights, I had to put heavy duty resisters across the positive and negative bulb feed to make resistance for them to blink at normal rate. You will also have to switch the polarity on the wires since the 1157 led only feed 1 direction. This can all be done under the right side cover, where flasher relay is. Sounds a little complicated, but really quite easy. can do it all in under an hour including soldering resisters. If you care to go this route I will gladly help with any details you need. 2 led 1157 on Ebay @ 8 dollars and 2 resisters at radio shack about 6 dollars. I also purchased the Tailblazer taillight bulb, which you can google, works great. Expensive, but worth it, just put one on my girls bike too!
Lifelong Biker,
a pictorial of what you did, along with part numbers would also be a great help.
I've got some led blinkers and tail light and the signals blink like they're on meth.