Led indicators

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM do we have a budding Sam here in Aussie

I'm sure there are plenty of people here in Australia that would be able to build the same thing as Sam. A mate of mine got some nice silencers made up for his roadster here in qld also .And I'm sure if I show them the pic and tell them what I want they will be able to build them and the best part is they will be available to buy whenever .Sams are great but we need new options that are actually available for more than three weeks

While I agree with you on this fact that yes there are plenty of people who can make them, infact a member from the other site(blasted bones and he had them made in QLD) has a beatifull looking set but unfortunitly they are only normal steel.
This pipe making was just a hobby (that got out of controll from what I can gather) for Sam. He is stopping because it was interferring with his work/ bussines, The reason I have promoted his work is because of his workmanship is second to none I have seen, perfect welds and a lot of thought in the design is what makes his stuff such good value for dollar, and is hard to match. I had a local guy here lined up to make a Stainless Steel set of headers but it would have been nearly twice as much, the other reason is that Sam has worked closely with Wayne Trip one of the best tunner's in the bussines. A point you might take on board is unless they are made of stainless they will burn out eventually and a discussion which was on the other site some time ago is that stainless disapates the the heat better and if you then get the headers ceramic coated they actually flow better as well. good luck
And that's why I will be using stainless all I need to do is tell them what I want . I can see Sams work is great but that's no good to me if there not available it's like saying they make a great burger on the moon
And that's why I will be using stainless all I need to do is tell them what I want . I can see Sams work is great but that's no good to me if there not available it's like saying they make a great burger on the moon
when are you looking at having the cash and how much does your guy estimate including heatshields and ceramic coating
I haven't got a quote yet mate I only just sent Sam a pm yesterday when I seen yours but he said he won't be making them after 3-4 weeks and that's fine I respect his decision that's his to make I probably won't be ready till nov/dec I have three dependents that rely on my income so I can't just lash out on a set of headers at the drop of a hat. No big deal I'll get a set made somewhere might cost more but thats life. Thanks for the info anyway I do appreciate it .
Noel Roberts from Pipeworks down at Carrara quoted me $1800 for a tuned length stainless header system with full heat sheilds. Ceramic coating will set you back $170- $250 depending who you get to do it. If you get them coated with HPC TurboCoat you probably wouldn't even need heatshields. HPC claim the TurboCoat offers a 50% reduction on component skin temperature.The full system i just put on my bike cost $1250. I'd ask around but i reckon a good ceramic coat inside and outside on steel pipes would help stop the rust.
The heat shields are more of a look thing for me TC they need to blend in with the rest of my system lol I like the bike to look pretty I know fussy bastard arnt I