I do not know what the difference between them is all I know is that the one I use works, now DEcosse is the electrical genius on this and other sites and he knows his stuff so buy both they are only a few quid and it is always nice to have a spare.
Also DEcosse is from my part of Scotland and would a Scotsman ever tell you porky pies
I believe it is the PIN pattern, which direction the current flows when the relay closes. Source versus drain. This is my opinion, do not take as fact without checking for yourself.
The RELAY CF-13 or CF-14 is Number 17; the Indicator Direction switch is 14. If you use the wrong relay the circuit won't work because if GND is your source, the internals of the relay will not charge (shouldn't if it has a protection diode on the inside to stop flyback currents).
I'll go measure it out this weekend because I can't tell from their drawings or their part numbering which is which. Alternatively at $8CAD each, you could just order one of each and give it a try. But know I'm curious so stand by! Yes.
The CF13GL-02 & the CF14JL-02 appear to be same configuration
But the CF13JL-02 has the opposite polarity
So the naming convention does not follow either the 3/4 or G/L to determine which polarity is which!!!
Yes, it definitely matters!
So you can use a CF13GL-02 OR a CF14JL-02 but not a CF13JL-02*
(* Actually you can if you swap over the terminals in the socket - I recommend against doing that though, as it changes the standard configuration from OEM and who knows what or who may have to deal with that undocumented change somewhere in the future)
I’ve ordered the one DEcosse recommended but can someone tell me if I have to cut the front indicator wires and rejoin or are there connectors on them?
The flasher unit I ordered was just a plug and play takes longer to remove the side panel than installing the flasher unit, just get it and plug it in. better hurry up the World Cup starts in a few weeks.