Leather Jackets....

Do you have a shiny pole up your coccyx?
That is my only intended exercise system.....guaranteed to keep me active for ever!
Post death, simply plug me into the socket, flick the switch and listen to my bones jingle jangle like peals of Christmas bells!
I know your PAIN, Amigo!
A few years after I retired I drug out the old, once awesome, custom measured & fitted Langlitz Leather the city had paid $250 for.
Woah! I was shamed, so I ordered another with the same specs in my current size. Langlitz measured me up & I rode the 130 miles home from Portland.
Three weeks later I was called back to come pick it up.
It fit me like a glove! They said, "That'll be $850 please." I picked my jaw back up from my boot, "Can you take a Visa?"
I've had 3 Schott Brothers bomber jackets since 1974. The first one I lost when I left it at a Navy base in Pennsylvania. The second one I lost when I left it at a Navy base in Norfolk. The third one I protected it like a Mother Goose. Well that went well for a long time. Lucky me. So after many years the jacket had gotten so dirty inside I did some research and found a dry cleaner who specialized in the proper cleaning of leather jackets. Paid a lot of money to get it done right. The jacket looked great inside and out when I got it back from the cleaners. Looked better than new. OOPPSS !!! Trouble in Paradise ! I did not gain weight in a week. The jacket had shrunk at least 2 sizes. I could not wear it anymore. Bummer ! The jacket hung in my closet for many more years until I gave it to a nephew for his birthday. He is kind of skinny and the jacket is a little baggy on him, but he loves that jacket. I'm glad it is being used again.
..was alcohol involved by any chance?
No. Don't drink. Never got the taste for it. Just bad on me. Cold morning, warm afternoon. Took it off both times and just plain forgot it. I went back to Pennsylvania the next day. It was gone. Nobody there would admit to seeing it. Called Norfolk a few hours after leaving the place. They said yes they have it and would mail it to me. They never did.
That would nearly DRIVE you to drink!!