
You Brissy boys seem to have all the fun.

I'm really going to miss the Brissy bike scene when we move. A lot my old mates are riding up to Banarabi all-bike drags Friday morning. I can't make it but i'll be at BP at 7.30am and ride part of the way with them. Be 25+ British , American and European bikes riding up. Always something going on
I'll be there its only 2 or 3 klm up the road from my place.If anyone wants to meet at my place just pm me and I'll send my phone number.
Hows about we meet-up at a Maccas somewhere near the show .. I always like a sausage and egg McMuffin prior to perusing motorcycles .. sound like a plan fellas ? Have to be before 10.30 .. staff f#ckin eat all the sausage and egg McMuffins at 10.31 true !!

There's a Macca's on the roundabout at Shore st west and I think from memory Wellington st Cleveland.

Ill see ya down there I finish training at 9am on sunday I got both ya numbers so ill give ya a call when im there if I cant find ya
We have just done a grounds inspection and it's all good. The Concours is ON hell or highwater (sic).

Put the word around and hopefully we'll see you there Sunday. We need all the visitors we can after yet another postponement, it costs money and we'd rather give it to Make A Wish Foundation!


Shore St Maccas at 10 .. sound ok? We've got a party on Saturday night at the local 1%er hangout so a little later meet-up be good Donny's coming along . Catherine be with me , Julie coming Bruce ?