Laverda bike show at cleverland has been put back until August this is the second time in three years due to the grounds being soaked .they should just go back to the story bridge
There were 25 or so ridden to last years concours, including a couple from Sydney and Melbourne. There's 6 here in Samford near me alone
We're putting a register together for OZ and have 200+ bikes on it already but we only started it last week.
barbagris yes the montys are a bit special, we have a member who races one based in Caboolture, I have done the electrical work on it. Trial start ups in the man cave are followed by dogs barking for miles around and cats disappearing for days (so not all bad)....
Back to R3s, do you guys have a club here in SEQ? I can't see you on the CLQ club list. We could park you between the Vespa Owners Club and the Usillys to keep the peace....... (ducking for cover!!) We get about 20 clubs displaying most years, would like to see you there if you have a club.
Some pics from last year, click on the folders except the first one. The folder called Gavin is from Gavin D'Allosto who won best bike, he donated the $2k prize to the Make a Wish foundation on the spot. Good man but I don't know about you guys, if I was married still the wife would have axe murdered me....:-
Haha, understand. Hey Mittzy, I note you have a Rostra CC, I have put one on my beemer and have one ready to stick on the Lav, I have been threatened with ostracism if I do fit it to the Lav, sounds like a great way to give them something to carry on about
Best thing ever in my experience, especially when arthritis rears it's ugly head in ones hands. Also helps to keep eyes on the road instead of the speedo permanently on long trips.
Haha, understand. Hey Mittzy, I note you have a Rostra CC, I have put one on my beemer and have one ready to stick on the Lav, I have been threatened with ostracism if I do fit it to the Lav, sounds like a great way to give them something to carry on about
Best thing ever in my experience, especially when arthritis rears it's ugly head in ones hands. Also helps to keep eyes on the road instead of the speedo permanently on long trips.
Its great when you are riding on your own or you are in front, but is a pain if your in a larger group. but it takes up no room and is always there when I need it.
I used to own a 1200 Mirage 1978 anniversary model. Black and gold. Was a good jigger to ride about. It is still around SA I believe, sold it to Tony from Eldorado seat restorations.
Good write up on the CC install, a solution to the magnet problem is to have someone with a lathe or decent drill press drill a 3mm x 4mm hole in the carrier bolts, as many as you need and epoxy glue one of those super powerful rare earth magnets into the hole trimming it off flat. We do that regularly to install electronic speedos on old clunkers and will work fine for this. Also a good way to add a magnet to the oil drain plug.
You can get 3mm round RE magnets on fleabay.
If using the brake disk carrier bolts then only do 1 or 2 Probably not a worry for the ABS ring.
Fortunately the BMW VSS signal worked fine, will have to do the magnet thing on the LAV.
Always liked the R3 BTW, seems like an outrageous concept for Triumph to come up with! We used to spend some time in a pub in Tenterfield where the publican had one, (since closed) and he used to let us park the Lavs inside in the lounge area overnight next to his R3. If you had a jappo, it had to stay outside hahahaha, my mate on his Suzuki used to be real pissed off with that one