
I'm keen but I might have to wait and see.
The neighbour dropped over this afternoon with an invite for a couple of drinks next Sat night so that means the missus and I are probably going to feel like crap on Sun morning.
12 hours between throttle and bottle always been my rule and when I was driving the heavy vehicles (zero reading required ) it was 18 hours worked for me then and still does
Hi all, have been at Cleveland today doing the set up, all good and no freaking rain, good to see you there, and if you have time tonight can you go to any other forums you are a member of and assure them the rumour that the entry price is higher isn't right, same as last year $10. Gunna be a big day and Pete, you won't be the only one feeling a bit under the weather, that's NO excuse haha
@ozrider, Helen, Julie and I will be at Macdonalds Cleveland at 9am for a coffee. @Evil Mitch, @Mittzy and @Wrecka are meeting at @TOMCAT favourite servo. Should be at Macca's Cleveland by 9.30. Then we'll see how hard it will be to get Mittzy to enter his bike in the Dyno Shootout. Those that ordered shirts I'll pick them up from the printer at his stand at the show.

Mittzy told me this arvo he was keen for the Dyno shootout
Safe riding you lot...and good luck Mittzy, if you don't win this year you can always fit a blower for next year