Latest Project: Honda 305 Scrambler restoration

That's great, this fall when I get permanently settled in Florida I'm going to look for something like that for running the dirt roads between my house and the local bar.
67 twas also a very good year for VW bugs and Ghias as well.

I'm partial to the present 67 bugs. I like the fishbowl headlights, smaller rear windows and longer hoods. As for Ghias, need to get a type 34!
Put some corn free in the tank early this morning, checked for leaks, missing bolts, and kicked, fired on the second one. I fattened the carbs up for the SnufforNots and must have came pretty close, the bike runs extremely well. There are a couple of minor issues to address, somehow I missed a leaking right fork seal, knew darn well I should have replaced them both when front end was off but that somehow got overlooked. The petcock has had a rebuild kit installed but you still need to find a sweet spot for good flow. Overall I am satisfied and will be heading to the DMV this week for some antique plates. The first official stop will be the Friday night Cruise In at the local Dairy Queen. Thanks one and all for the kind comments and hope everyone has a safe and fun filled 4th........

Here a couple of final glamor shots.....