
.020 Over
Jul 29, 2009
So.Central Mn.
Bought a used '06 Rocket III in Tribal Blue with 3300 miles on the clock back in July. Wasn't certain about my sanity after riding the 80 miles to home. It handled like a much smaller, lighter bike through the curves and the hard acceleration:eek: gave me a bit of vertigo...may need a compression suit if I keep hitting it hard. Recently added the mismatched D&D's from Hellfire, took 25 minutes to drop the old and add the new with *******'s Harley expertise and lift. Much more sound now and the decel rumble is not unpleasant.;) Sold the Harley 1200 Screaming Eagle II to finance this one and don't regret it but the old '90 BMW R100RT seems mighty slow now. Ride out of So. Central Mn and don't see many Triumphs on the road. Hoping to keep her on the road until Thanksgiving or later...though the Beemer is a lot warmer.
Welcome to the site, that engine may keep you warmer a little longer if you ride a lot around town.


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