Largest Sponsor'd Triumph Event

Nice seeing Paul again as it had been a good three months since we last hung out the triumph tent was a bloody disgrace this year Even if I was inclined to I would not have parked my bike anywhere close to it if they cannot put on a half decent display why the hell should I help them, in years past they have had good shirts for sale good literature to take and read, good sitting areas but this year nothing I was embarrassed to even look at the tent.
If you were riding with DrD lovely wife believe you me she would have no problem keeping up on her Indian.
Missed it. I’ve been to Barbers twice and enjoyed the place.

Thanks for the nice words of affirmation about the lovely wife.

Those are great pictures. Especially interested in the Victoria Bergmeister. Thanks for posting those great shots.

Glad you enjoyed them! I had a hard time not taking a pic of every display in there. I had heard about the place, but until you see it first hand...