My folks used to work on F-111's out of McClellan. Never understood why the retired that platform so early. My dad had a theory that since McClellan was their main maintenance hub they shut down the F-111's because they wanted to close that base. According to him there were still a lot of ill feelings from WWII when McClellan got a whole bunch a Liberty bombers on a top secret mission. The base personal were told they were stopping by for a quick checkup before heading off to do their thing. For some reason all the engines were running extremely lean, like major wear on the engine lean. So the mechanics all went and did their jobs and returned the engines back to specs. Later when the pilots of those Liberties were splashing down before mainland Japan on their secret bombing run on Tokyo...they were kinda pissed. No one bothered to tell the mechanics to keep the engines lean, but that didn't much matter and left a permanent black mark on the base.