As usual, threads often take a different turn (motorcycle rental) and end up being about more than the original topic and I posted on rental aspect of your thread
As usual, threads often take a different turn (motorcycle rental) and end up being about more than the original topic and I posted on rental aspect of your thread
It's quite normal that threads here tend to do that.
Back OT:
This is the region that's the guilty area. Cut these peaks down 5 degrees to minimize it. I had to do the same with my bike post build (before I realized it was returned to me with a GROSSLY over advanced ignition table).
Often, there is some good information or smile worthy content in the 'hijacked" part of the thread, so relax and go with the flow Dude, it's just part of being a member of a forum!
It's quite normal that threads here tend to do that.
Back OT:
This is the region that's the guilty area. Cut these peaks down 5 degrees to minimize it. I had to do the same with my bike post build (before I realized it was returned to me with a GROSSLY over advanced ignition table).
last year I posted a problem I noticed on my 2013 roadster between 2500 and 3500 rpm while riding uphill a knocking/slapping kind of noise I could feel it very strongly in the footpegs more than hearing it so I stayed out of that rpm range and felt most likely something happened to the transmission
after the shop opened up the motor nothing wrong was found yet the noise/slapping remained had the tuning shop remap the ECU . this was at the end of 2017 season then
my garage burned down ....completely in feb 2018 and everything inside was burned car, bike bicycle freezer etc.etc.
went looking for another roadster and bought a 2012 roadster.
had the shop here move all performance bits on the new to me black beauty (nev 200hp kit jardine exhaust bought a new ramair had the tuner do his magic and...... went riding .....and noticed the same knocking /slapping noise .
again I felt strongly that it had to be a transmission problem since the noise came from the block through the footpegs... again had the transmission removed and this time sent to robinson industries feeling that their backcutting gears and replacement of #4 gear for a stronger one will definitively solve this unnerving problem. all in all spent several thousands and yet the knocking still remained at that point I was really P....OFF...
another member on the forum mentioned that he has had the same problem and had it solved by changing the tune on his ECU ... so I realized that maybe something to do with the fuel could be the problem....never thought of it before!!! on a lark i emptied the tank filled my weed eater, tractor and lawnmower with the regular and refilled the bike with chevron premium ..................AND WENT RIDING UPHILL..... where the knocking was so prevalent....holy mother of gears smooth running no slapping/knocking felt at all under every RPM smooth as silk as of today I believe DETONATION was causing the situation since I had the nev kit installed the compression ratio was upped some and that is what caused all the commotion .
finally a stupid little solution was to switch to premium fuel anyway if any captain ever cross this situation save your pennies and get premium fuel as I learned it the expensive way. passing along this solution for what it is worth..
on another subject another 22 days before the rocket and me fly to frankfurt for a fun time in the alps
I’ve noticed the knocking on hills when I hit the hill and don’t change the throttle. A throttle increase (higher rpm) and the knocking stops. I downloaded the Touring Tune by Nels and always run premium fuel. I also installed the Ramair filter last winter and at first I thought it might be just noisier.