knocking /slapping noise ..revisited / SOLVED...

Interesting. I thought it was my imagination at first but my new-to-me 2015 occasional has a very faint but noticeable hesitation
riding up hills in 5th gear and I feel a slight vibration in the left foot peg. No noise that I can hear over the motor.

I was thinking the worse (clutch failing, dirty fuel filter, shaft slipping? rear Torsional Dampener assembly bearings - no, please not again).

I only have K&N's and shortened de-cated pipes and run US 89 octane as she seemed to run smoother on that. I'll try 91, then 93 and try and find
some ethanol free fuel and see if that addresses the issue.

Another Roadster rider on another forum was complaining about the same thing with a stock bike so I'll pass this along.
indeed I remember ...the last time was dinged rather expensively!! I have no plan just a bunch of michelin maps and a euro GPS ... might make it to bilbao in which case I will pm you...
by plane ...rocket bottom above both ways ..

Would the shipping costs be much more than your boarding ticket? That is one interesting idea for a vacation..... Have to consider that.

Any issues with operating a bike in Germany with Canadian plates?