No @DEcosse has stopped making them and moved onto other projects.
Excellent system tiny and fully sealed in the 3rd or 4th edition but all the earlier editions work great too. I have an early edition one on my Roadster and another later edition used one still in the box. They were quite expensive but many here on the forum swear by them. @DEcosse keeps detailed records of each one and who sold too so he can provide feedback and correct issues as he knows exactly which one they have.
He will still occasionally visit or post on threads for folks with issues with his custom made system for Rocket IIIs and provides beyond excellent documentation, lifetime support, advice for installing and problem solving..
Eg page 6 and 7 from his manual in a post here @DEcosse Keyless Glitch
Another longterm member @idk has a much simpler and cheaper homemade from readily available components system with instruction links in his signature block.
You should find 5 similar threads linked at the bottom of this page and if you click on one of those it may provide another 5 at the bottom of its page and there are many, many threads from happy customers to be found before decising which way you want to go.
Used ones do come up on the forum classifieds as members sell their Rockets and very simply remove the system for someone else to enjoy.
Plug & Play Product Plug & Play Product [x] Plug & PlayThis system does not require you to cut or splice any wires. Our innovative Plug-N-Play harness uses factory connectors to interface with your bikes ignition system. Even if you have no installation experience, you...