Kaoko Throttle Control for R3

nelsonto I found some picture on another site I think you can see the difference pm me with your e-mail address I will send them to you.
Anyone been on this road? If you can guess which road it is I will buy you a beer at Biketoberfest '08.
I can tell you it isn't California, the side markers are a tell, but it looks like any number of roads in AZ, NM, MT, NV, or anywhere out west. And it sure as hell isn't Florida!!
However we have loads o roads like that right in my back yard.
Have now installed and used the Kaoko with great results. Since I bought my bike used and the bars had already been converted to the classic bars I don't have a standard to compare. The interesting thing to me is the design of the bar weights on my classic bars. The rubber inserts with center metal cylinders leave a .5 inch "female" that fits over the end of the bar. My throttle control assembly was .5 inch from the end. This allowed the bar weight to fit over the end of the bar and the screw and finishing end piece to fit flush with the outside of the bar weight. When I moved the throttle assembly out the .5 inch where it was flush with the end of the bar, I decided to move the rubber insert flush with the inside of the bar weight to get it to mount flush. This leaves the outside center with a .5 inch indention.

However, the Kaoko fits perfectly with the throttle assembly moved to flush and works wonderfully!! I particularly like being able to occasionally rest my right arm. I also use it for short trips by tightening it just enough to reduce the tension of pull-back on the throttle. Not as tiring to hold the throttle steady. The knobby wheel on the Kaoko is easy to control even when wearing winter gloves. This was a GREAT choice for me.