Just Sold My Roadster


.060 Over
Jul 2, 2010
Just sold my 2010 Roadster. It was a fun 3 years, but time for something new. Various parts for sale in the Classifieds.
Snuffer I will take the summer screen if its the one I am thinking of do you have a picture r can you e-mail me one

I have the roadster screen and the sports screen but am looking for the smaller summer screen. and does it come with the fixing kit to mount it?
i would like the mounting kit if it will fit on my 07 classic for a windshield in the future
Jeff and Warp, I sent you and email. Thanks

Breeze, I believe the mounting kit will fit your bike, but please check to confirm yourself. Thanks

Hanso, bought a BMW K1300S.
Richard, I tried emailing you twice and I think they both failed. Please email me at svmott@gmail.com


Snuffer I sent you a e-mail since I screwed mine up also/ Man pain killers they can even make you misspell your own name
I sent you a e-mail and I have Pay Pal if that works for you. I can drop the cash in the bank tomorrow and send it to you them plus my shipping address.

Most people cant even pronounce your name, let alone spell it.

I'll be headed to IL on April 5th for two weeks. If weather permits are you ready for that river ride?