Just sitting here with a polishing rag

WTF is photo shop????? Don't you mean photocopy the pic and trim it with a guillotine. See, I'm learning.
Auto Glym paint renovator is the best product I have found to clean Stainless Steel it works well on chrome as well here is a picture (about start new bottle and noticed a slight change in bottle label) to help find it on Auto Shop shelves
Does not scratch and brings up a beaut shine, local S/S fabricator swears by it too
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It looks splendid!

Have you found that you don't need heat shields?
Is hotter than stock pipes around town and sitting at lights, don't notice any difference at Hyway speeds. Coming into winter here at the moment so I haven't ridden it in really hot weather.
It looks splendid!

Have you found that you don't need heat shields?

Les (Ozrider) has a very similar exhaust and has been running around for months .. during the warmer months ... and he hasn't felt the need for heat shields.
Haven't noticed any increase in heat at all, but the weather here has been mild with a few sub-zero nights already.