Just received a survey from Triumph marketing

Would not be surprised to see a bagger style rocket in the near future.
I am honestly not sure. I think Triumph have quite deliberately aimed the new R3 at a different rider.
There was a time I'd see masses of "Bagger" style bikes here. A mass of Harleys but also the Japanese.
Last couple of years I am seeing fewer and fewer of them. I think there are several factors behind it.
MY friends own baggers and dont travel so why ride a 900 lb + beast around town dragging baggage everywhere ?
Makes perfect sense. The speed limit here is 70 mph. Why buy a bike that can go faster than that?
Makes perfect sense. The speed limit here is 70 mph. Why buy a bike that can go faster than that?
Makes perfect sense. The speed limit here is 70 mph. Why buy a bike that can go faster than that?
MAKES PERFECT SENSE but the TRIUMPH baggers dont sell well and the Harleys arent selling well so ?
....Ive ordered the mid controls for my GT...i prefer my feet under me....i can stand up then if i want. I'm hoping i can leave the front pegs in place too so i can stretch the legs out the front and lay my heels over them.....might work?

I thought the pegs on the GT were adjustable?
The dealer at A&S Cycles told me the R and GT are selling better than they had hoped. I noticed three of the four rockets had sold signs on them. If it's true and they are selling fast a touring model may not be out of the question. I'm glad the Rockets are selling but also a little disappointed as I like having a motorcycle not everyone has.
I thought the pegs on the GT were adjustable?
...yeah they are to a degree...There are 4 holes equally spaced in a horizontal line where the 2 bolts fit. You can have them located in the middle two holes or move them either forward or back...its about an inch forward of middle or an inch back of middle,
The 'R' model has adjustments up...not sure about down?.
The difference of peg position between the 'R' being under you and the 'GT' being forward is 245mm.

That is a 9.6" difference!