Just Purchased a Basket Case ... Need Help ... Lots of it.

Oops, wrong thread, my comment was about the $5000 Touring
Saw same items for sale on eBay for $1000. Person was Don Hutchingson
my computer turns spam into potted meat
now so as to be correct on this thread i put it in a basket. so still on topic
Great buy, my friend recently bought a Touring model which was an insurance write off and boy is it in bad shape, when he saw the items on KIS he thought the whole lot was $200 I told him that is not possible plus the fact the parts will not fit your bike
Appreciate the offer but he will not be able to use the gas tank(which he really needs) problem is he is so effin cheeeep, any leftover parts post on this site and they will sell, good luck on your rebuild and keep the pictures flowing.