Just Purchased a Basket Case ... Need Help ... Lots of it.

Just call @warp9.9 or @Claviger - they seem to like doing them.

Yes I was already thinking about Claviger. He and 1olbull will be stopping by again on the return from Texas to Washington. I am hoping he has some good ideas for this.

I have 2 guest rooms available.
I have possession now. It is all in my trailer parked in front of the garage. The former owner is trying to find his paperwork from the dealer. If he can't, I'm going over to the dealer on Tuesday (closed Sunday/Monday) and request a copy. I would like to talk to mechanic too.
OMG I hope you can get those boys to pop in And give you some help.

I do like the leather like bags.

I have a set that came with my Rocket which I have replaced with a of rocket leather panniers.
We can reassemble the engine in a day easily enough if all the parts are on hand, parts will of course be the delay if they've got to come from England.

The rest is pretty easy, just time to get it done.

Now THAT is my definition of ambition!!