Just Installed A Tachometer On My R3T

"FYI...One other thing...The tach "must" be hooked directly to the batteries pos/neg connections before power is applied to the power wire that triggers the tach on."

That part is clearly stated in the instructions:

Yes it is..and that is how I did mine. When I installed my PDM60 it created enough of a delay (A few milliseconds) which created some problems with my tach. Reverting back to my original setup fixed my problem. The reason I even mentioned it was.... for those that might think they can pull the "main power" from an ignition switch source...Don't!
One more thing I would like to mention.

Occasionally the needle on the tach will jump maybe 200 RPM for just a "fraction" of a second as you travel down the road. I can only attribute this to either a glitch trigger from the ignition coil or since the tach uses a servo motor it may be a little self correction taking place within the tach itself.

This is not a issue and there is nothing wrong with the tach. It is infrequent and you may not ever notice it. It has been seen by at least one others and should be mention.

Again...It is nothing more than a small infrequent blip. The tach works just fine.

Oh I notice it alright. No, it doesn't affect the utility of the tach for me, but it definitely is a glitch.
I get the little blip, too. Not worried since it happens on others.
I did run my positive wire through a fuse block with no problems, but it is just a straight through block with a fuse in between; not "managed" like the PDM60 I presume.
Installed my Koso TNT-01R tachometer yesterday. It could not have been easier due to the information in this thread. I will be replacing the clamp which holds the tach to the handle bars with a Kuryakyn "P" clamp. I wanted to see what it looked like before making the decision. It holds the tach in place, but it allows more movement than I like.

Be aware of something. I ordered the TNT-01R Tachometer Black Face/Black Casing- Metric Motor, BA035113. I received the T & T Tachometer 8,000 RPM, Black Panel for Harley Davidson, BA035112.

In emailing them, they assured me these were exactly the same tachometer. I was told they had a labeling problem. I don't know if it was a labeling problem or if they just put the Harley name on the same tach to keep the Harley people happy. Either way it works well.

You will be more than happy with the P Clamp. The full bracket that fastens to the tach is pretty solid but at slow speeds, when powering on the bike, it will transmit a small vibration/shake to the tach. It's a engine vibration issue coming up through the bars rather than a tach mount issue. Otherwise all is good. Enjoy all the efforts of your fellow forum members and their posts.
Just curious. What is your rpm when you are running 70 mph?
Just curious. What is your rpm when you are running 70 mph?

It depends on whether you have corrected the speed of you speedometer speed in the ECU. Stock, the speedometer reads about 3-4 miles faster than you are actually going. At 70 you are doing around 2800 RPM.
It depends on whether you have corrected the speed of you speedometer speed in the ECU. Stock, the speedometer reads about 3-4 miles faster than you are actually going. At 70 you are doing around 2800 RPM.
Thanks. As I understand it the R3 makes peak torque at 2500 rpm. It that correct?