Just bought my house!!

Perhaps the 2017 summer ride I'd like to set up can help serve as part of your WA State tour?
I've always wondered that there just has to be limited amount of roads on a island. Seeing your post answered that question. Doesn't WA get a lot of snow?
I've always wondered that there just has to be limited amount of roads on a island. Seeing your post answered that question. Doesn't WA get a lot of snow?

In the mountains, but seldom on the west side.
2007 was our last decent snow here in the Seattle- Tacoma area.
I've always wondered that there just has to be limited amount of roads on a island. Seeing your post answered that question. Doesn't WA get a lot of snow?
Eastern WA gets pretty icy and snowy, but here on the west side, we'll get a good storm or two each year with not much more than 6" or so at a time. It stays on the ground a couple of days and melts to rain. I avoid riding in the rain and I manage to ride to work through out most of the year. I think I only parked my bike about a month last year.
Welcome from Sammamish, WA though the wife and I are possibly moving to the Tri-Cities if my job opportunity works out (hoping so as that'll make me a R3 captain).

I understand your concern about other riders and cornering speeds ... turn 1 at my local track I drag the exhaust at 80 and the sports crowd ride around me at 100 at least ... by the end of 2 straights the litre bikes are far enough ahead of me that I'm not in their way and anything else is just a blurry mess in my mirrors...that's on a short track too - 64/5 sec lap times.
Thinking, if I have to ride on normal track days, I'll stick in the slow or medium groups, just to minimize the number of bubbas i'll be holding up in the corners (straights I suspect it'll be them in my way ).
I do stick to the medium group. Generally the big girl pulls enough of a gap that the 6/7/800 bikes don't catch back up and the bigger bikes only pull out about 4 secs a lap so not quick enough to lap me (we only allowed 10 lap sessions)...just means I ride around by myself lol
...also, I'm only running 125rwhp so you might be able to get close enough to the litres to be a nuisance