just bought a 2012 this week, looking forward to spring

Theo, Welcome from Northern Ontario. Glad to see another rider bitten by the Rocket bug. Have fun and ride safe.
Welcome to the madhouse.... errrr... I mean Family! Great bunch here!! Have any photos of your new girl?
Welcome from sunny Florida(sorry) crash bars are not every ones cup of tea but that one time when the bike falls over they will more tham pay for themselves.
Welcome from the big city of Henryetta Oklahoma. Crash bars mean you plan on laying it down. Here in Oklahoma we never prepare for the worst. (inside joke living in tornado ally)
Welcome Theodore from Chesterfield UK.
The best thing to do is to keep her moving then you don't feel the weight.
Honestly you will get used to the weight after a while, I have had to change my riding style and approach with my old girl Grace. A Rocket does need to be told who is the boss so don't be afraid to throw it around.
Once you get her pointed it the right direction just goes for it.