Just a older guy with a new a love of Motorcycle and cars.

In words of the band "Annihilator" ( btw Canadian band)
My Precious Lunatic Asylum ;-) because of few lunatics here
welcome Ben.....you will actually get younger owning a Rocket!!....The boy comes back...you will twist the throttle more often...smile stays longer ...you recognize the bugger in the mirror....and you will walk with purpose when going out for the day on your scooter!!......true story!!!
Well I took possession of the beast on Tuesday. The weather has been bad so had to wait till today to take it out for a quick ride. 0 miles on the odometer. I was really easy on it with no miles. At 11 miles it gave me a service engine code and it showed hot and the ABS light was flashing. The dealer was still open and I called them. It seemed to have coolant . After several calls to the dealer who was just barely still open and after they had asked if I would ride it in. Of course I said no **** way, they did come and retrieve me and the Rocket. Who knows maybe a stuck thermostat ??? Or a glitch. All I told them was no way I was riding a bike in that was telling me it was hot. So Tuesday when they open we will see what is up. Things happen. All this being said the 11 miles were great. Enjoy your weekend guys I think I am just going to take out the V-Rod tomorrow. Isn't that why someone has more than one lol.
GREAT attitude! Like you said, things happen and hopefully it's an easy fix/adjust. Enjoy that V-Rod