Joining the TX group.

In the searching I've done so far, I've seem so posts about tunes not working on 2014 or newer ECUs. The first thing I was going to try was the tune on the TuneECU site to open the bike up a bit, and continue stock for now. Will it work on my 2015? Anyone anyone know of any issues for 14+ models?

I'm not sure. Start a new thread for this question as the ones that know may not be looking at this thread
Welcome. Another Texan, well you all have quite a brain trust going on there.

I have little experience with my R3T, but I did notice the heat already. I also noticed that you do not have to hug the engine with the legs. The floorboards allow plenty of movement to get some airflow between you and the engine.

I am getting ready for the 500 mile service. I see TORS and a new tune in the not to distant future, so as you I am going to be putting my bikes life in the hands of this group.

God help us all.

They do scare me. I am easily manipulated and could be at 230hp before I know what hit me.
As I cruised a little yesterday found fresh cool air in the strangest of places. Placed the right heel against the rear master cylinder chrome cover the hugged the tank with the thigh and the high heat from the pipes vented away. Seems like closing the gap between the leg and the pipes accelerates the air flow and cools the lower leg.
i put three holes in the instep of my boots and on hot days i just point my boots out and let the air come in on cold days i point my toes in works great as long as u don't step in a puddle of water.
if u have the cats still on the bike i would not richen it up. however u could open up the secondaries. opened mine to 100% above 4000 rpm.
Getting rid of the cats in the stock mufflers should cool down the heat on the right side.
I have D&Ds; they're a local company in Hurst and I haven't heard of anyone yet that's unsatisfied with their product.
I wrapped my header with titanium exhaust wrap then re-installed my heat shields; it's still hot, but 2300ccs of combustion in the TX summer is gonna do that.

With a little scheduling; on both our parts I'm sure, I'd be happy to let you see & hear the D&Ds.


Just realized that the Ramair I put on this weekend changed the sound fairly significantly so mine may not be the best representation.
Thanks for the Info @R3T-Too. I would like to wrap me headers, and today I've been reading about removing the cats. It will probably be a bit before I'm buying a new exhaust.

Is there a particular order in which to do upgrades? Can I wrap the headers and install a Ramair before getting the new pipes? I know I won't notice much of a performance difference until the intake and pipes have been replaced.
Wrapping the headers can be done anytime, and it's cheap.
Getting rid of the cats will probably be most effective. Then a tune to relieve the lean condition.
Next would probably be ceramic coating.
