Joined the "Laid her down" club today

Glad your OK Pappy ! Coulda ended way worse. Shame your ride got bent. It looks like you had it just about how you wanted it
It’s easy to get to much speed on a Rocket, glad your ok.
Pappy....appreciate the pics and comments about the accident. Sorry to hear it happen though. That's the first final drive housing I've seen broken in two. Can't figure if it broke due to the impact on the rear wheel or something hitting it while you were going cross country. Check that rear rim to see if it isn't bent. Just might be 'new Rocket time'

Glad your OK...... 2nd chances don't always materialize.
Good that your ok, you did well to manage the outcome.

It may seem a bit cheeky, but, how do we feel the dresser/crash bars help. I'm thinking of taking mine off and replacing with something more crash protective.
You have an expensive exhaust system, did it impact ?

Hey Papps, glad you are ok. These frames are hard to bend. I'm sure it will be fine. Start looking for wrecked, totaled bikes close to you. Polish her good (Lemon Pledge), and back in the wind
Too high a speed, under-estimated the curve, and off the outside I went, about 200m in muddy grass before I finally lost her. I'm bruised, sore, but alive with nothing major harmed other than my pride, and my baby.

you got 'some' protection from above...
Sorry to see a fellow captain have an off!

The main thing is you are okay!!! We can replace the bikes not the captains!!

I high sided mine in April.... my head afterwards went round and round trying to figure it all out, sometimes these things happen... take whatever information you can from the experience and keep going. If I’ve learnt anything about these bikes it’s that they can handle well but they aren’t race bikes and can be unforgiving under certain conditions - I see it as all part of the challenge of riding one of the biggest beasts on the road. I lost my rear due to oil... when it regripped the road surface I got flung like a rag doll...since then I am still a little apprehensive leaning it all the way especially at high speed around other cars and things .... it’s slowly getting better but it just takes time and lots of roads.

parts can be a bit of a headache in terms of delay with triumph, they follow a just in time ordering approach and spares go through Hinckley.... but it’s worth the wait....they do it right and you can trust in the replacement parts... if it can’t be rebuilt or is an economical write-off that kinda sucks but then maybe it’s an opportunity .... I’m a touring guy but if my ride was a roadster, the new bike is a thing of beauty

Oh and in terms of the frame, I doubt it, mine high sided and tumbled.... the forks got twisted and it wasn’t pretty - frame was still straight.... hopefully and especially that yours went onto softer stuff that roadway it too will be straight... frame testing is inexpensive, I had my insurer do it ... gave them this long winded speech about how they are liable for making it safe before returning it to me.

whatever happens I wish you all the best with it!

I would never remove the crash bars, albeit I have a touring, the things save the engine and could prevent you getting pinned under it in a lowside the engines bulges a bit towards the bottom and without the bars commonly damage the lower engine casing..... it’s usually an economical write-off as the entire engine has to be replaced

of course if you do something else that achieves the same thing then that’s probably fine, but I can at least testify to the fact that on a touring they definitely work..... no damage at all to my engine
Sad to see the pictures but glad you came through it and can ride again.

The exhaust did not impact the ground, but the engine guard impacted the #2 pipe, so they'll be buying a new Reband. Considering the softness of what I hit, and the fact that the engine guard folded over while still not letting my leg get crushed, I'll never ride without one.