Join me in a ride to Lexington, Missouri


Apr 1, 2006
Overland Park, Kansas USA
I'll just throw this one out and if anyone wants to join me....... the more the merrier.

I'm going to ride to Lexington, Missouri this Sunday and get me some "Made Rite" loose meat burgers. ( Like a sloppy joe but not as runny ).

One review of the place said, " Greasy, messy, fried, cholesterol, fatty, sodium filled food. With all that, how can it be bad?"

There's some roads that run right along the Missouri river and it's only about 60 minutes from my home in Overland Park. If any want to join me, I'll be at the West entrance to Grain Valley Airport by the hangers. (some call it East Kansas City Airport) on Highway 40 at 11:30 am. Kickstands up at 11:45 am.

If you are running late, Made-Rite is at 1401 Main St in Lexington, Mo.
Little too soon for me?

I was able to get away for a short ride weekend before last. Next weekend is too soon as the backlog of outdoor "needs" is still long. Sure wish I could &, if I can arrange it, I'll get myself in trouble long about Saturday afternoon/evening so I'll feel compelled to leave the house (or get kicked out) for a while & maybe meet you.

I grew up on "Maid-rite" burgers. The more mustard you put on 'em, the better they stayed in place on the bun, at least that was the theory of young, famished, Maid-rite connoisseurs. That would be a good chance to reminisce too.

Keeping my fingers crossed. "Kickstands up" at 11:45 + 60 minutes along the river = 12:45 to 1:00 arrival.

See ya.
Arrrgghh! I have problems (but you knew that). Dave... I'm sending you a PM.