JBQ Spacer or T-Bird Riser User Experience?

Jay, you can try the JBQ spacers without risk. As long as you don't scratch them up, they are returnable within a couple weeks for refund.
JBQ is in VA as well, so you can get them quickly.
RocketJohn had them on his Touring. You may want to PM him.
Just the clutch cable. While the instructions suggested the stock cable would work with rerouting, other pioneers on here had worked it out, and I followed their lead, with good results.

I did just that the first week I got it. Rivco Risers. I re-routed the original cable for about a year, noticed a bit of wear on the casing rubbing against the plastic guard. Then got me a barnett cable.
I'd suggest a +1 1/2" over oem length.

BTW the rivco risers don't raise the height that much and you can just rotate the handle bars downward slightly to negate that.