Jack be quick spacers for r3t

You should not have to get longer cables with 1.3" spacers. I have heard of some of the bikes have cables clamped a bit differently, pulling it further down and away from the handlebars.
You should not have to get longer cables with 1.3" spacers. I have heard of some of the bikes have cables clamped a bit differently, pulling it further down and away from the handlebars.

All I can say is on my motorcycle, with a build date from 2018 the cables are just too short. Can’t speak for any other bike but on mine it is what it is.

Should have but didn’t think of it at the time, I have reassembled bike as it is my sole form of transport.... not gonna pull it apart and reassemble with spacers just to prove it... when I say too tight I mean waaaay too tight, zero play in clutch even when adjusted below and the brake cable stretched very tight. At a guess I reckon you’d need about 2” more cable maybe a little less. .... all that said the spacers are still a great deal... just is what it is
I failed to communicate my request; let's see a picture of the installed riser please.

And I am happy to hear of another year round rider. I was stationed at NASNI for one tour and the rides away from SD were great.
I don't know if I can be of any help as I put the Revco Riser on, but here are some pictures of various cable lengths I bought and tried. I also had to reroute the brake line to get the kind of length I wanted. My Valkyrie use to have these little standoffs for routing wires. Being the fabricator I am, I made some for my bike as well out of some 3/32" stainless rod. I also added a banjo bleeder to the front brake cylinder. Having found it necessary to reroute the brake line I had to remove it from the master cylinder resulting in some air in the line. By adding the bleeder, I was able to zip tie the brake lever back as far as I could overnight. Next morning I simply loosened the bleeder nipple burping the air out. A tip I got from someone here on the informative forum.