I've never been to Spain.....

When I read the title, the second half of the lyric popped into my head instantly, dates me I guess. My cousin and her husband plan to retire there, so I may get to visit.
Great vid. Reminds me of simpler days when I was a "kid" in my 20s and 30s. Bunch of pals on older rat bikes riding, just to ride.
I visited Spain several times during my Navy career with port visits to Rota on the Bay of Cadiz (and the little town of El Puerto de Santa Maria), Benidorm on the east coast and of course Palma. I loved every minute of those visits. Benidorm and Palma had quite a few Brit expats.

Navy friends who were stationed at Rota used to ride their bikes across Spain, sometimes across the plains and sometimes via the northern route, and greatly enjoyed it. Riding Spain is one of the things on my bucket list that will never be checked off.
Rota Spain is OK. Palma the island that never sleeps. By far the best was Barcelona Spain. Was in port there for a little over a week. (AMPHIB) Did not want to leave.Great restaurants, Lots of night life. The people were friendly and helpful. Lots of mom and pop shops and fair prices.