It's time for one of my periodic rants.


Aug 16, 2015
Pacific Northwest USA
2015 R3R
So, my son has been on the road for one week. He was coming back from work, on a serious curve just outside Silverton.

Around the corner comes S**t for brains driver from SAIA trucking. They ship goods in their big orange semis. Goes around the corner hot, using half of my son's lane. Making the choice between going under the wheels, he chose a boulder off the road. He got road rash from kevlar jeans slipping down at the waist. A hole in the leather jacket. Protective gear worked.

Known damage: Forks are gone. Tree and headset unknown, and frame as well. Shifter mangled, mirror destroyed, foot peg gone. Fairing scratched.

The bastard could not possibly have not seen him go down. Left the scene. F'ing coward. Another motorist tried to locate him, but he was flat gone.

The heros at the Marion County Sheriff's office, after telling him they would be right out, call 45 minutes later. No serious injury to my son, so go file a report at DMV. They did not even come out.

I was forced to choose between riding the Rocket under a log trucks trailer wheels last fall. I chose swerving and dropping it at the side of the road. When I posted a bit of a joke about shooting the bugger, who left the scene, it was not well received. This time, I would settle for dragging this trash out of the cab, and kicking the bloody tar out of him, saving a good swift kick in the ass, collectively, for the sheriff's office. I am sure the guy on the phone heard my happy talk, when I heard that despite taxes and such, we got to settle for no help at all from then, I notified the county supervisor's office, as to why I even get services for taxes paid.

My son worked hard for me doing projects to be able to afford a used bike in pristine condition. Guessing $1,500 minimum to fix broken stuff, never mind cosmetic stuff. Pretty upset, just asking why someone leaves the scene leaving him in an unknown state. I cannot answer that.

But he is ok, and I guess wiser. I feel really bad, because he loved the feel of a bike under him.

Calling SAIA trucking tomorrow, to report the, as yet unknown, cowardly bastard they employ.

Rant over.
And Saia will say sorry but none of our drivers were involved.
best you let their office deal with him I know what I would do if it was me youre son is ok though and bottom line that's what matters
You answered the question about why the leave in your third paragraph, they are cowards.
So sorry for your loss and sense of violation. Glad you are able to come here and share, and likewise, best of all, your son is now stronger and wiser, as you would want him to be, if not the particular path.

Thank you.
Sorry about your predicament, but glad you sons not to banged up!! I would try to get him back on a bike as soon as possible so he doesn't loose his nerve. Good luck to you guys and hopefully the trucking company does the right thing!!!
Definitely contact them and their safety dept also if possible. They should be able to track the driver by his route. Even easier if they have already went to electronic logs. Good luck with them. I hope your son isn't too discouraged. Maybe you can make a project out of it and he will learn even more.